Saturday and doing my chores

Sounds boring, but I love just wandering around the farm feeding the animals (horses, chickens, goats, dogs, cats) without a time constraint. Nothing is worse than having to rush the farm chores by having to be somewhere at a certain time. I notice things that bring back memories of other times/places – like (I know if anyone is reading this they’re going to go bleh) older horse manure in the sun – it has an earthy, pungent (but not unpleasant) smell to it – digested hay, grain, grass – it is a pleasant smell to me. The chickens pecking/scratching – looking to me for their “treats” (the refrigerator clean outs) and fighting over old pasta and meat scraps. Looking for the eggs – buried treasure under the wood shavings. The little pony who snuggles up for a scratch behind the ears and a rub on the withers. It’s all familiar – I’ve done it all thousands of times – and yet it’s new and fresh at the same time. I’m thankful I don’t have to work today. I can take my time and drink it all in with the eyes, the ears, the nose and the hands. The spring sun is warm, the bees are already buzzing away – for the first time in my life a hummingbird was chirping and dive bombing with ferocity and anger – there must be a nest nearby!

Next up – hanging the damp wash – it will dry actually faster on the line than in the dryer, and smell a million times better.

Today I love life on the farm – tomorrow if it’s raining and muggy I may not. But today is fabulous. And that’s all I can ask for.

Me Myself and I

So, I’m 56.

Can hardly believe that as I type it.  Where did my life go? Mother’s Day my kids came over and cooked lunch for me and I realized they’re all grown up. Four of the five are married, 2 of those have kids of their own, and the “baby” is almost 20 and working on a beard. Which I hate. Their father…..hmmm. Well I’m still married to him (37 and a half years) and as my dad always jokes “we’re still madly in love – we’re so in love we’re mad all the time”.   He’s a good man, a great dad, a loving husband and a still growing and learning Christian.

What’s up with me? I sometimes feel as though I had it all together more so when I was younger.